The only place which i can do my complain~

Thursday, August 26, 2010


‘老婆,我爱你一辈子 ‘这句话~对每对情侣来说都很普遍~但,真正那么幸运能执子之手,与之偕老的情侣有几对呢?男生们~请你们别轻易地,说出这句话~因为我们会当真的~就因为这句话~我们女生可以牺牲一切~为了你。。。不理会人的眼光和你在一起~抽出时间,给你补习。。。就算有多难过,有你的笑容,你的安慰就是最大的鼓励~但,好景不长在,感情若是淡了~就完了~不可能挽回~就算挽回~也不会是以前的他。。。回忆是残酷的,以前跟他走过的每一步一脚印,我们女生都会深深地收心里。。。和他去过的地方,做过的事情,开心,伤心。。。。。。。。。。。 我们这一辈子都忘不了~当初那懵懂的我,始终接受不了。。。眼泪随着脸颊,流了下来~心真的很痛很痛~别人的安慰,对我都无动于衷。。。时间一分一秒的过,在异乡的我,真的可以支撑下去吗?问题一直环绕在脑海里~心里还是无比的痛~以前都是他替我处理每一件事,就算在家对面必经的马路我都需要他牵着我的手,带我越过。。。那时的我,质疑着,没有他,我真的可以走下去吗?我从不相信自己。。从没给个自己一个机会。。。那时,虽然心里真的很不开心,但,每天的我都会面带笑容,不想要朋友们担心。。。


Monday, May 17, 2010

To be or not to be that's the question

Im keep on i done the right thing?? i can sacrify my everything for someone i love...yet, im not sure.......i hope, i can be a really tough girl and can go through everyone judgement or whatever...hope 'U' will not disappoint me...I'm a really really sensitive girl...hope u can deal v this..also i will get rid of these day by day..i don't believe in promises anymore...i experienced the past...promises aren't everything...don't tell me about promises,sweet talks...CZ i hate em so much...just be yourself...say things from the bottom of Ur heart be yourself...make me feel that u r worth for me to spend my life time v be or not to be that's a question, in the end..i choose to be....hope it is a wise decision ~u are the everything for me~♥

Thursday, May 13, 2010

first try

im using fake eyes lashes which can stand foe about 2 months i look like a lala mui?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Get high~

今天真的是我的天。。lesen p也拿到了呵呵。。。然后又和姐妹们一起到pcb一日游。。。拍了很多照片。。。岁月不留人啊~我们已经毕业两年了。。。在吉隆坡的日子,我真的真的。。。很想念你们。。。希望你们可以过得很好很好。。。呵呵~拍了很多傻傻的照片~我当了大家的导演。。。教大家摆pose~笑到我翻。。。跟你们一起的日子。。。喜怒哀乐。。。你们都有培在我身边。。。很感激你们。。。别忘了~我们的约定哦姐妹们。。很肥咯我。。。照片。。。haiz可是真的很开心也~^^

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Woke up very early for boating today,the fees for adult to ride the boat just rm1 per person o....for childrean leh only cost so cheap 1....hehe....the breathtaking scenary in kelantan are so marvellous....still can feel the wind......omg....more than words i can describe about my hometown kelantan, although it is not a very advance is a state which is full of culture especially for the malay cultures....yet,there are variuos races living in kelantan,malays of coz then chinese,thai, indian and so on....i love my hometown....the place i borned...♥ hehe~felt really lucky...i have the chance to c shadow puppet maker PAK SU who is really famous in kelantan....very unique and a very special things for me....
ps:the pic i took this time....make me look like a real kampung girl leh...v messy hair and untidy shirt make up....but i am enjoy my holiday at my kelantan ^_^v

Friday, May 7, 2010

♥♥♥kenny rogers♥♥♥

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

dinner tonight

i cooked abolone claim soup....for dinner....yummy...share v my sis...but then im too full then vomit in the final...haha

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


朋友,帮我选一选哪张适合当我facebook‘s profile pic...thanks

Sunday, May 2, 2010

love~friendship eternity

A very happy day i have to be v the sisters....oni lysa cant thn i love u guys........hehe

Saturday, May 1, 2010

home sweet home~♥

Arrive home already~♥ hehe....wish to do many things......go for driving exam,meet teacher n friends...and the most important....EAT!!! wake up early to prepare brakfast @@ oh~ sound weired ya....hehe....i can COOK!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010



妈妈。。。i love you

妈妈进院。。。心脏问题,真的很担心她。希望明天快些到。。。好让我可以到医院探望他。。。她说她没事,小事一桩。。。haiz,我的心还是很担心叻。T_T 有这样贪吃的妈妈就有这样的我。。。=_='' 她说这就是贪吃的后果。

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

inai, old townING v her

Tired yet happy day...but not satisfy v the inai lo...bloody expensive...

steamboat tonight~lovin it

Go to have steambot as dinner with meow,elin,qystana,atok mudo and jason at HOMETOWN(genting klang)...siok sekali

Monday, April 26, 2010


最近很喜欢拍些风景照~这些事在我家condo拍的。。。夕阳,日落等等~还有klcc view


The story of my lovely shane i love u so much~


Im lovin it~oh supper for wonder im fat lah~hehe